All Saints
Episcopal Church
What to Expect

All Saints offers through prayer, song, scripture, and sacrament a broad array of worship experiences. With two Sunday morning Eucharist services, a Saturday evening eucharist service, and a Thursday morning healing service, there are many opportunities to explore what kind of liturgy appeals to you.
The Thursday Healing Eucharist at 10:00am includes the sacrament and additional prayers and anointing.
The Saturday@5 service is a relaxed alternative service with music, that invites you to come as you are.
Our Sunday 8:30am service is a traditional, spoken service.
The Sunday 10:15am service includes robust music led by our choral and instrumental ensembles, and guest musicians.
We offer Children's Chapel for children ages four through middle school is held during the 10:15am service. Children are welcome to join Children's Chapel at any time during the year.
Christian formation for adults occurs between our Sunday worship services at 9am.
Please join us in our parish hall after the 10:15am service to enjoy coffee, snacks, and conversation. We would love to meet you and answer any questions you might have.