All Saints
Episcopal Church
Parish Life
If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries please contact the office for more information.
Coffee Guild:
Following the 10:15 Sunday morning service, All Saints hosts a coffee hour. This is a time of fellowship for parishioners and guests to mingle and get to know one another better. Refreshments are provided by ministry groups or individuals and the Coffee Guild members take care of set up, serving and clean-up.
Connection Station:
A service desk located in Gordon Mann Hall with volunteers to assist guests and members by providing resources and assistance with parish life opportunities.
Designed to promote fellowship, “JULIET” stands for Joy, Understanding, Love—In Eating Together. On the third Monday of the month, a group of women meet for breakfast at a local restaurant on the mainland.
A coordinator keeps the kitchen well stocked and instructs volunteers in the use of equipment involved in preparing and cleaning up.
Men’s Breakfast Group:
Men of the parish gather for breakfast at a local restaurant on the first Wednesday of the month.
Open Grill Night:
The relaxed rhythm and pace of the summer affords us the opportunity to come together on Wednesdays to enjoy evenings of food and fellowship. Bring your favorite item to grill and a dish to share.
Pastoral Care Team:
Not intended to replace visits by the clergy, these individuals’ visits provide an additional caring connection for those who are ill or isolated from their parish family. Safe Church training required.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
A caring heart and love of knitting are brought together in monthly meetings in which church members prayerfully create shawls for those in need of comfort.
Seasonal Saints:
A gathering on the first Monday of the month (Fall-Spring), seasonal members and regular visitors are connected as they gather in homes for an evening of hors d’oeuvres and adult beverages.
Special Events:
The parish sponsors a variety of special events throughout the year such as the Blessing of Animals and the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.
Sunny Saints:
Several times during the year, All Saints members who live in Sun City gather for food, fun and fellowship.
Supper Clubs:
A delightful way to get to know fellow parishioners, supper clubs are made up of eight to twelve people who meet regularly throughout the year and share a meal. New groups are formed each January. At times parishioners who join All Saints during the year are added to existing supper club groups, if space is available.