All Saints
Episcopal Church

All Saints is a diverse community of Christians from a variety of backgrounds. We find that the broad range of experiences and outlooks make for a vibrant, thoughtful community of believers. Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome here. We value our Episcopal tradition, and our worship reflects that. Our services follow the Book of Common Prayer, but we also include elements from other Episcopal sources on occasions.
We invite you to sign up for our Thursday email to stay informed about what’s going on here. You are always welcome to get involved in any of our activities as you feel called. There are opportunities throughout the year to serve others, relax and get to know new people, or take an active role in worship services.
If you find All Saints to be a good fit, you are encouraged to make a commitment to this parish by becoming a member. We host dinners a few times a year to welcome newcomers and answer questions. If you would like to become a member of All Saints, please start by making an appointment with our rector, the Rev. Denise Trogdon, by calling the office at 843-681-8333.