All Saints
Episcopal Church
Adult Formation
If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries please contact the office for more information.
Sunday Adult Education:
Offered at 9:00 a.m. in the library, these classes focus on biblical, theological, sacramental, spiritual, ethical and historical themes through a variety of discussions and presentations.
Men’s Morning Forum:
A group of men gather weekly on Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. September thru May, to explore the bible, theology and other relevant topics from an open point of view. Breakfast follows at a local restaurant.
Women’s Bible Study:
A group of women gathers weekly on Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m. to study the bible and grow in their understanding of scripture.
Adult Formation: Discovering the New Testament
Sundays, October 22 and 29, November 12, 19, and 26
11:30am-12:30pm in the library
Join us for this NEW adult formation opportunity! Using the Kerygma Program - Discovering the Bible - participants will discover people, events, and places and encounter a variety of biblical ideas through a process of personal reading and reflection, and large group discussion and creative expression. Click on each session link below to view the study materials for that week! Click here to download instructions on how to use the following study materials.
Session #1: The Good News (Sunday, October 22)
Session #2: The Savior (Sunday, October 29)
Session #3: The Ministry (Sunday, November 12)
Session #4: The Teachings (Sunday, November 19)
Session #5: The Kingdom (Sunday, November 26)
For more information, contact The Rev. Katie Presley at